About the EDPLAY published on Oh! FM, i have found this (of the same guy that i've linked before)
https://ameblo-jp.translate.goog/noz-mu ... r_pto=wapp
It seems that on Oh! FM (feb '88), they published a music extension, "77 expanded tones for HGPLAY" (i suppose thats what EDPLAY is, or is related to).
I have also read a lot about something called MML (music macro language). I think is related also to the EDPLAY command (using "high level" commands to do music, as in BASIC "PLAY" command).
I'm not a musician, so this goes waaayy over my head
About MIDI, on the FM77AV flyer https://www.musee-des-jeux-video.com/sc ... 0flyer.pdf, it says this:
On the japanese wikipedia entry of FM7 series (https://ja-m-wikipedia-org.translate.go ... r_pto=wapp) says about this:FM sound source standard implementation/The FM sound source is a full-fledged synthesizer specification that enables tonal control that was difficult with conventional PSG. It has 77 types of built-in tone data that add sound effects to instrument sounds. It is also equipped with PSG3 sound at the same time.
●Instrumental control via MIDI. /With the optional MIDI adapter, you can connect to a MIDI instrument and program it to play automatically.
This is more of a curiosity:FM77-401 MIDI adapter
FMAV-401 Stereo Music Box (Intelligent MIDI instrument equipped with a CPU for MML analysis and an FM sound source separately from the main unit . Can also be used with FM-7/77.)
Here, i'm surprised at this window (i assume it must be from XM7 emulator... on my english version it only shows the 6 OPN channels, not the rest, but otherwise it's identical)
And testing this game (Shounen Mike) on the XM7 emulator, in tools->configure->volume tab, you can play with the FM and PSG sliders, and you can separate both parts. PSG is the clasical AY-3-8910 i'm used to on the spectrum, FM is the "PC adlib sound" part, and this game uses clearly both.
And last but not least, something offtopic but interesting nonetheless. i have also found this about the classical Ys game https://gyusyabu-ddo-jp.translate.goog/ ... r_pto=wapp.
Talks about the game of course, but there are interesting subtleties about FM77AV display aspect ratio and sounds.
And this is a nice website with lots and lots of very low level details... https://haserin09-la-coocan-jp.translat ... r_pto=wapp
Too much new data for today, need some rest...